Event Details
Start time: 13:00
End time: 15:30
Venue: Broadway Museum and Art Gallery, Tudor House, 65 High Street, Broadway, Worcestershire, WR12 7DP
Join us for crafting and chat with Susan Bennett, Sew U Knit Craft for a cuppa and a relaxed and friendly craft session.
Confirm with Hello@sewuknitcraft.co.uk to help us with numbers
See you there!
Start time: 13:00
End time: 15:30
Venue: Broadway Museum and Art Gallery, Tudor House, 65 High Street, Broadway, Worcestershire, WR12 7DP
Welcome to Broadway Museum & Art Gallery. On the northern gateway to the Cotswolds, Broadway Museum & Art Gallery is dedicated to preserving and celebrating the rich history and cultural significance of Broadway. Our team are committed to providing a dynamic and engaging experience for our visitors through our collection, interactive exhibitions, educational programmes and special events.
Broadway Museum & Art Gallery, Tudor House, 65 High Street, Broadway, Worcestershire, England, WR12 7DP
Company No: 07995354 | Registered Charity: 1148543
01386 859 047
We are open daily 10-4.30pm